FILE-OFFICE -- Snort detected traffic targeting vulnerabilities in files belonging to the Microsoft Office suite of software (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Visio, Access, Outlook, etc.).
FILE-OFFICE Microsoft Excel remote code execution attempt
This rule looks for files intended to exploit a remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Excel.
This rule fires on attempts to exploit a remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Excel.
No public information
No known false positives
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
Rule Categories::Operating Systems::Windows
Rule Categories::File::Office
MITRE::ATT&CK Framework::Enterprise::Execution::User Execution::Malicious File
Memory Corruption
Memory Corruption is any vulnerability that allows the modification of the content of memory locations in a way not intended by the developer. Memory corruption results are inconsistent; they could lead to fatal errors and system crashes or data leakage; some have no effect at all.
CVE-2025-21354 |
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