Talos Rules 2021-06-15
This release adds and modifies rules in several categories.

Talos has added and modified multiple rules in the browser-ie, deleted, file-flash, file-image, file-multimedia, file-other, indicator-compromise, malware-cnc, os-linux, os-other, os-windows, protocol-dns, protocol-icmp, protocol-other, server-other and server-webapp rule sets to provide coverage for emerging threats from these technologies.

For information about Snort Subscriber Rulesets available for purchase, please visit the Snort product page.

Change logs

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091800.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091701.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091700.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091601.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091600.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091501.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091500.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091401.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091300.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091101.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 3000.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (snort3-os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (snort3-malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (snort3-malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (snort3-os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (snort3-os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (snort3-malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (snort3-malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (snort3-server-other.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (snort3-os-windows.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (snort3-server-other.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (snort3-server-other.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57756 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt (snort3-malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (snort3-browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (snort3-server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (snort3-server-other.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (snort3-os-windows.rules)

2021-06-15 12:56:08 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-15

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2983.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:57772 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57770 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57761 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57763 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:57771 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57773 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57780 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57762 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:57781 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:57760 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:57782 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:57774 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57766 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57768 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57764 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57784 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57769 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57778 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57779 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57775 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57777 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1328 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57767 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1325 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57783 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1324 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57765 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1315 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:57776 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1326 attack attempt (server-webapp.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:33814 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:10475 <-> DISABLED <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt (os-windows.rules)
 * 1:43390 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16072 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:19245 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:44686 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3816 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:44685 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:47425 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:43595 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt (server-webapp.rules)

2021-06-15 12:59:31 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:31 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:31 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:31 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:32 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:32 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:32 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt

2021-06-15 12:59:32 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2021-06-14-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:57760 <-> OS-WINDOWS Generic HyperLink buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57761 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated PingIframeRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57762 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP TP-Link WiFi router authenticated WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:57763 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:57770 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57771 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57772 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:57773 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Bazaloader variant outbound request detected
* 1:57780 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57781 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt
* 1:57782 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Backdoor.IPsecHelper outbound connection attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:10475 <-> OS-WINDOWS Microsoft Windows UPnP notification type overflow attempt
* 1:16072 <-> SERVER-OTHER CUPS server query metacharacter buffer overflow attempt
* 1:19245 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer redirect to cdl protocol attempt
* 1:33814 <-> SERVER-OTHER ElasticSearch script remote code execution attempt
* 1:3816 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP BadBlue ext.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:43390 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe startup config information disclosure attempt
* 1:43595 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Netgear Prosafe filesystem denial of service attempt
* 1:44685 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:44686 <-> SERVER-OTHER TVMOBiLi HttpUtils.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:47425 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Raptr Plays.tv unauthenticated remote arbitrary file execution attempt
* 1:57756 <-> MALWARE-CNC DNS Fast Flux attempt