Talos has added and modified multiple rules in the browser-chrome, browser-ie, browser-other, browser-webkit, deleted, exploit-kit, file-executable, file-flash, file-image, file-java, file-multimedia, file-office, file-other, file-pdf, indicator-compromise, indicator-shellcode, malware-cnc, malware-other, netbios, os-linux, os-other, os-windows, policy-other, policy-social, protocol-dns, protocol-icmp, protocol-nntp, protocol-other, protocol-scada, protocol-snmp, protocol-tftp, protocol-voip, pua-p2p, server-iis, server-mail, server-mysql, server-oracle, server-other and server-webapp rule sets to provide coverage for emerging threats from these technologies.
For information about Snort Subscriber Rulesets available for purchase, please visit the Snort product page.
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091801.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091800.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091701.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091700.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091601.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091600.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091501.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091401.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091300.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091101.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58100 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58099 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58101 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt (file-image.rules) * 3:58104 <-> ENABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt (policy-other.rules) * 3:58097 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 3:58098 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 3000.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (snort3-browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (snort3-file-pdf.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (snort3-browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (snort3-file-pdf.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (snort3-malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (snort3-server-webapp.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (snort3-malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (snort3-malware-other.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version 2983.
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)
* 1:58084 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58091 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58090 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58089 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58088 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58092 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58083 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58094 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58086 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58093 <-> ENABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt (server-webapp.rules) * 1:58102 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58096 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58103 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt (file-pdf.rules) * 1:58081 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules) * 1:58085 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58087 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection (malware-cnc.rules) * 1:58095 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt (malware-other.rules) * 1:58082 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt (browser-chrome.rules)
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt
This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Sourcefire VRT Certified rule pack for Snort version
The format of the file is:
gid:sid <-> Message
* 1:58081 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58082 <-> BROWSER-CHROME Chromium V8 type confusion attempt * 1:58083 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58084 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Vbs.Worm.HWorm variant script download attempt * 1:58085 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58086 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Win.Trojan.Aspire variant binary download attempt * 1:58087 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.njRAT variant outbound connection * 1:58088 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.Aspire variant outbound connection * 1:58089 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58090 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 upload attempt * 1:58091 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58092 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Php.Webshell.Phpshell3 download attempt * 1:58093 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58094 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Atlassian Confluence OGNL injection remote code execution attempt * 1:58095 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan download attempt * 1:58096 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Asp.Webshell.Ajan upload attempt * 3:58097 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58098 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58099 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Cisco Enterprise NFVIS authentication bypass attempt * 3:58100 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 3:58101 <-> FILE-IMAGE TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1367 attack attempt * 1:58102 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 1:58103 <-> FILE-PDF Adobe Reader ESObject use after free attempt * 3:58104 <-> POLICY-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2021-1361 attack attempt