Talos Rules 2025-02-13
This release adds and modifies rules in several categories.

Talos has added and modified multiple rules in the file-executable, file-other, malware-cnc, os-other, policy-other, server-apache, server-iis, server-mail and server-webapp rule sets to provide coverage for emerging threats from these technologies.

For information about Snort Subscriber Rulesets available for purchase, please visit the Snort product page.

Change logs

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2092000.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091900.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091801.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091701.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091700.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091601.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091600.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091501.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091401.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091300.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:28:26 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-13

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091101.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64561 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64547 <-> DISABLED <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt (policy-other.rules)
 * 1:64554 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64550 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64555 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64553 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64552 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:64546 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:64548 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt (server-apache.rules)
 * 1:64556 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64558 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64557 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64559 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64560 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64549 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64551 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:64562 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64563 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64564 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:64565 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:36195 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:38287 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:32672 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:3469 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16023 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:36196 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:24802 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:11837 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:51236 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:50392 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:16022 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt (file-executable.rules)
 * 1:15264 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:51235 <-> DISABLED <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt (file-other.rules)
 * 1:31650 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt (server-mail.rules)
 * 1:38288 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:3087 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt (server-iis.rules)
 * 1:31406 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:46474 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:38286 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:63959 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)
 * 3:63960 <-> ENABLED <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt (os-other.rules)

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:39 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:40 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:40 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:40 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:40 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt

2025-02-13 14:33:40 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-12-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301142 <-> FILE-OTHER ERDAS ERS Viewer ERM_convert_to_correct_webpath buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64546 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Exchange ical/vcal memory corruption attempt 
* 1:64547 <-> POLICY-OTHER Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE access attempt
* 1:64548 <-> SERVER-APACHE Apapche Tomcat NIO connector denial of service attempt
* 1:64549 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64550 <-> SERVER-OTHER WU-FTPD file glob denial of service attempt
* 1:64551 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64554 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64555 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64556 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64557 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64558 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64559 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64560 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64561 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.ClipBanker variant outbound connection attempt
* 3:64562 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64563 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2148 attack attempt
* 3:64564 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt
* 3:64565 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2145 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:11837 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:15264 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database evtdump CGI module format string exploit attempt
* 1:16022 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:16023 <-> FILE-EXECUTABLE Microsoft Windows Vista Windows mail file execution attempt
* 1:24802 <-> SERVER-OTHER HP Database Archiving Software GIOP parsing buffer overflow attempt
* 1:3087 <-> SERVER-IIS w3who.dll buffer overflow attempt
* 1:31406 <-> SERVER-OTHER Samsung TV denial of service attempt
* 1:31650 <-> SERVER-MAIL Microsoft Windows Mail file execution attempt
* 1:32672 <-> SERVER-OTHER Cisco IOS ftp proxy overflow attempt
* 1:3469 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold dos attempt
* 1:36195 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:36196 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise license manager actserver and akey HTTP parameters parsing stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38286 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager actserver stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38287 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager akey stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:38288 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Reprise License Manager licfile stack buffer overflow attempt
* 1:46474 <-> SERVER-OTHER Quest Appliance NetVault Backup buffer overflow attempt
* 1:50392 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP Belkin Wemo UPnP command injection attempt
* 1:51235 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 1:51236 <-> FILE-OTHER VCFtools crafted VCF remote code execution attempt
* 3:63959 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt
* 3:63960 <-> OS-OTHER TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2024-2065 attack attempt