Snort FAQ



The Sensitive Data preprocessor is a Snort module that performs detection and filtering of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This information includes credit card numbers, U.S. Social Security numbers, and email addresses. A limited regular expression syntax is also included for defining your own PII.

Sections: Dependencies Preprocessor Configuration Rule Options


The Stream5 preprocessor must be enabled for the Sensitive Data preprocessor to work.

Preprocessor Configuration

Sensitive Data configuration is split into two parts: the preprocessor config, and the rule options. The preprocessor config starts with:

preprocessor sensitive_data:

Options are as follows:

Option                  Argument        Required    Default
alert_threshold         <number>              NO    alert_threshold 25
                        1 - 4294067295
mask_output             NONE                  NO    OFF
ssn_file                <filename>            NO    OFF

Option explanations alert_threshold The preprocessor will alert when any combination of PII are detected in a session. This option specifies how many need to be detected before alerting. This should be set higher than the highest individual count in your “sd_pattern” rules. mask_output This option replaces all but the last 4 digits of a detected PII with “X”s. This is only done on credit card & Social Security numbers, where an organization’s regulations may prevent them from seeing unencrypted numbers. ssn_file A Social Security number is broken up into 3 sections: Area (3 digits), Group (2 digits), and Serial (4 digits). On a monthly basis, the Social Security Administration publishes a list of which Group numbers are in use for each Area. These numbers can be updated in Snort by supplying a CSV file with the new maximum Group numbers to use. By default, Snort recognizes Social Security numbers issued up through November 2009.

Example preprocessor config

preprocessor sensitive_data: alert_threshold 25 \ mask_output \ ssn_file ssn_groups_Jan10.csv

Rule Options

Snort rules are used to specify which PII the preprocessor should look for. A new rule option is provided by the preprocessor:


This rule option specifies what type of PII a rule should detect.

Syntax: sd_pattern: ,

count   = 1-255
pattern = any string

Option Explanations:

    This dictates how many times a PII pattern must be matched for an alert
    to be generated. The count is tracked across all packets in a session.

    This is where the pattern of the PII gets specified. There are a few
    built-in patterns to choose from:

        The "credit_card" pattern matches 15- and 16-digit credit card
        numbers. These numbers may have spaces, dashes, or nothing in
        between groups. This covers Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and
        American Express.

        Credit card numbers matched this way have their check digits
        verified using the Luhn algorithm.

        This pattern matches against 9-digit U.S. Social Security numbers.
        The SSNs are expected to have dashes between the Area, Group, and
        Serial sections.

        SSNs have no check digits, but the preprocessor will check matches
        against the list of currently allocated group numbers.

        This pattern matches U.S. Social Security numbers without dashes
        separating the Area, Group, and Serial sections.

        This pattern matches against email addresses.

    If the pattern specified is not one of the above built-in patterns,
    then it is the definition of a custom PII pattern. Custom PII types
    are defined using a limited regex-style syntax. The following
    special characters and escape sequences are supported:

    \d      - matches any digit
    \D      - matches any non-digit
    \l      - matches any letter
    \L      - matches any non-letter
    \w      - matches any alphanumeric character
    \W      - matches any non-alphanumeric character
    {num}   - used to repeat a character or escape sequence "num" times.
              example:  "\d{3}" matches 3 digits.
    ?       - makes the previous character or escape sequence optional.
              example:  " ?" matches an optional space.
              This behaves in a greedy manner.
    \\      - matches a backslash
    \{, \}  - matches { and }
    \?      - matches a question mark.

    Other characters in the pattern will be matched literally.

    NOTE: Unlike PCRE, "\w" in this rule option does NOT match underscores.

Examples: sd_pattern: 2,us_social; Alerts when 2 social security numbers (with dashes) appear in a session.

sd_pattern: 5,(\d{3})\d{3}-\d{4};
Alerts on 5 U.S. phone numbers, following the format (123)456-7890

Whole rule example:

(msg:"Credit Card numbers sent over email"; gid:138; sid:1000; rev:1; \
sd_pattern:4,credit_card; metadata:service smtp;)

Caveats: sd_pattern is not compatible with other rule options. Trying to use other rule options with sd_pattern will result in an error message.

Rules using sd_pattern must use GID 138.