Snort FAQ



Andrew Mullican Thanks to Dan Roelker, Marc Norton, and Steve Sturges for their help with the design.

– Overview – SMTP is an SMTP decoder for user applications. Given a data buffer, SMTP will decode the buffer and find SMTP commands and responses. It will also mark the command, data header data body sections, as well as TLS data.

SMTP handles stateless and stateful processing. It saves state between individual packets. However maintaining correct state is dependent on the reassembly of the client side of the stream (i.e., a loss of coherent stream data results in a loss of state).

– Configuration – SMTP has the usual configuration items, such as port and inspection_type. Also, SMTP command lines can be normalized to remove extraneous spaces. TLS-encrypted traffic can be ignored, which improves performance. In addition, regular mail data can be ignored for an additional performance boost. Since so few (none in the current snort ruleset) exploits are against mail data, this is relatively safe to do and can improve the performance of data inspection.

The configuration options are described below:

  • ports { port [port] … } * This specifies on what ports to check for SMTP data. Typically, this will include 25 and possibly 465, for encrypted SMTP. Default ports if none are specified are 25, 587 (Message submission - see RFC 2476) and 691 (X-LINK2STATE). If alerting on the X-LINK2STATE vulnerability is disabled, port 691 will be removed from the default ports. DEFAULT { 25 587 691 }

  • inspection_type stateful|stateless Indicate whether to operate in stateful or stateless mode.

  • normalize all|none|cmds * This turns on normalization. Normalization checks for more than one space character after a command. Space characters are defined as space (ASCII 0x20) or tab (ASCII 0x09). all checks all commands none turns off normalization for all commands. cmds just checks commands listed with the “normalize_cmds” parameter.

  • ignore_data * Ignore data section of mail (except for mail headers) when processing rules.

  • ignore_tls_data * Ignore TLS-encrypted data when processing rules.

  • max_command_line_len * Alert if an SMTP command line is longer than this value. Absence of this option or a "0" means never alert on command line length. RFC 2821 recommends 512 as a maximum command line length.

  • max_header_line_len * Alert if an SMTP DATA header line is longer than this value. Absence of this option or a "0" means never alert on data header line length. RFC 2821 recommends 1024 as a maximum data header line length.

  • max_response_line_len * Alert if an SMTP response line is longer than this value. Absence of this option or a "0" means never alert on response line length. RFC 2821 recommends 512 as a maximum response line length.

  • alt_max_command_line_len { [] } Overrides max_command_line_len for specific commands

  • no_alerts * Turn off all alerts for this preprocessor.

  • invalid_cmds { } * Alert if this command is sent from client side. DEFAULT empty list


  • data_cmds { } * List of commands that initiate sending of data with an end of data delimiter the same as that of the DATA command per RFC 5321 - ".". DEFAULT { DATA }

  • binary_data_cmds { } * List of commands that initiate sending of data and use a length value after the command to indicate the amount of data to be sent, similar to that of the BDAT command per RFC 3030. DEFAULT { BDAT XEXCH50 }

  • auth_cmds { } * List of commands that initiate an authentication exchange between client and server. DEFAULT { AUTH XAUTH X-EXPS }

  • alert_unknown_cmds * Alert if we don’t recognize command. DEFAULT off

  • normalize_cmds { } * Normalize this list of commands DEFAULT { RCPT VRFY EXPN }

  • xlink2state { enable/disable [drop] } See CVE-2005-0560 for a description of the vulnerability. Enable/disable xlink2state alert Drop if alerted DEFAULT { enable }

  • print_cmds * List all commands understood by the preprocessor. This not normally printed out with the configuration because it prints so much data.

  • disabled * Disables the SMTP preprocessor in a config. This is useful when specifying the decoding depths such as b64_decode_depth, qp_decode_depth, uu_decode_depth, bitenc_decode_depth or the memcap used for decoding max_mime_mem in default config without turning on the SMTP preprocessor.

  • b64_decode_depth * This config option is used to turn off/on or set the base64 decoding depth used to decode the base64 encoded MIME attachments. The value ranges from -1 to 65535. A value of -1 turns off the base64 decoding of MIME attachments. The value of 0 sets the decoding of base64 encoded MIME attachments to unlimited. A value other than 0 or -1 restricts the decoding of base64 MIME attachments, and applies per attachment. A SMTP preprocessor alert with sid 10 is generated (if enabled) when the decoding fails.

Multiple MIME attachments/data in one packet are pipelined. When stateful inspection is turned on the base64 encoded MIME attachments/data across multiple packets are decoded too.

The decoded data is available for detection using the rule option file_data. See file_data rule option for more details.

This option replaces the deprecated options, enable_mime_decoding and max_mime_depth. It is recommended that user inputs a value that is a multiple of 4. When the value specified is not a multiple of 4, the SMTP preprocessor will round it up to the next multiple of 4.

In case of multiple configs, the value specified in the non-default config cannot exceed the value specified in the default config.

  • qp_decode_depth * This config option is used to turn off/on or set the Quoted-Printable decoding depth used to decode the Quoted-Printable(QP) encoded MIME attachments. The value ranges from -1 to 65535. A value of -1 turns off the QP decoding of MIME attachments. The value of 0 sets the decoding of QP encoded MIME attachments to unlimited. A value other than 0 or -1 restricts the decoding of QP MIME attachments, and applies per attachment. A SMTP preprocessor alert with sid 11 is generated (if enabled) when the decoding fails.

Multiple MIME attachments/data in one packet are pipelined. When stateful inspection is turned on the QP encoded MIME attachments/data across multiple packets are decoded too.

The decoded data is available for detection using the rule option file_data. See file_data rule option for more details.

In case of multiple configs, the value specified in the non-default config cannot exceed the value specified in the default config.

  • bitenc_decode_depth * This config option is used to turn off/on or set the non-encoded MIME extraction depth used to extract the non-encoded MIME attachments. The value ranges from -1 to 65535. A value of -1 turns off the extraction of these MIME attachments. The value of 0 sets the extraction of these MIME attachments to unlimited. A value other than 0 or -1 restricts the extraction of these MIME attachments, and applies per attachment.

Multiple MIME attachments/data in one packet are pipelined. When stateful inspection is turned on the non-encoded MIME attachments/data across multiple packets are extracted too.

The extracted data is available for detection using the rule option file_data. See file_data rule option for more details.

In case of multiple configs, the value specified in the non-default config cannot exceed the value specified in the default config.

  • uu_decode_depth * This config option is used to turn off/on or set the Unix-to-Unix decoding depth used to decode the Unix-to-Unix(UU) encoded attachments. The value ranges from -1 to 65535. A value of -1 turns off the UU decoding of SMTP attachments. The value of 0 sets the decoding of UU encoded SMTP attachments to unlimited. A value other than 0 or -1 restricts the decoding of UU SMTP attachments, and applies per attachment. A SMTP preprocessor alert with sid 13 is generated (if enabled) when the decoding fails.

Multiple UU Encoded attachments/data in one packet are pipelined. When stateful inspection is turned on the UU encoded attachments/data across multiple packets are decoded too.

The decoded data is available for detection using the rule option file_data. See file_data rule option for more details.

In case of multiple configs, the value specified in the non-default config cannot exceed the value specified in the default config.

  • enable_mime_decoding * Enables Base64 decoding of Mime attachments/data. Multiple base64 encoded MIME attachments/data in one packet are pipelined. When stateful inspection is turned on the base64 encoded MIME attachments/data across multiple packets are decoded too. The decoding of base64 encoded attachments/data ends when either the max_mime_depth or maximum MIME sessions (calculated using max_mime_depth and max_mime_mem) is reached or when the encoded data ends. The decoded data is available for detection using the rule option file_data. See file_data rule option for more details.

Please note, this option is deprecated. Use the option b64_decode_depth to turn off or on the base64 decoding instead.

  • max_mime_depth * Specifies the maximum number of base64 encoded data to decode per attachment. The option take values ranging from 4 to 20480 bytes. The default value for this in snort in 1460 bytes.

It is recommended that user inputs a value that is a multiple of 4. When the value specified is not a multiple of 4, the SMTP preprocessor will round it up to the next multiple of 4.

Please note, this option is deprecated. Use the b64_decode_depth to set the decoding depth for base64 decoding instead.

  • max_mime_mem * This option determines (in bytes) the maximum amount of memory the SMTP preprocessor will use for decoding base64 encoded/quoted-printable/non-encoded MIME attachments/data or Unix-to-Unix encoded attachments. This value can be set from 3276 bytes to 100MB.

This option along with the maximum of the decoding depths will determine the SMTP sessions that will be decoded at any given instant. The default value for this option is 838860.

Note: It is suggested to set this value such that the max smtp session calculated as follows is at least 1.

max smtp session = max_mime_mem /(2 * max of (b64_decode_depth, uu_decode_depth, qp_decode_depth or bitenc_decode_depth))

For example, if b64_decode_depth is 0 (indicates unlimited decoding) and qp_decode_depth is 100, then

max smtp session = max_mime_mem/2*65535 (max value for b64_decode_depth)

In case of multiple configs, the max_mime_mem of the non-default configs will be overwritten by the default config’s value. Hence user needs to define it in the default config with the new keyword disabled (used to disable SMTP preprocessor in a config).

  • log_mailfrom * This option enables SMTP preprocessor to parse and log the sender’s email address extracted from the “MAIL FROM” command along with all the generated events for that session. The maximum number of bytes logged for this option is 1024.

Please note, this is logged only with the unified2 output and is not logged with console output (-A cmg). u2spewfoo can be used to read this data from the unified2.

  • log_rcptto * This option enables SMTP preprocessor to parse and log the recipient email addresses extracted from the “RCPT TO” command along with all the generated events for that session. Multiple recipients are appended with commas. The maximum number of bytes logged for this option is 1024.

Please note, this is loggged only with the unified2 output and is not logged with console output (-A cmg). U2spewfoo can be used to read this data from the unified2.

  • log_filename * This option enables SMTP preprocessor to parse and log the MIME attachment filenames extracted from the Content-Disposition header within the MIME body along with all the generated events for that session. Multiple filenames are appended with commas. The maximum number of bytes logged for this option is 1024.

Please note,this is logged only with the unified2 output and is not logged with the console output (-A cmg). u2spewfoo can be used to read this data from the unified2.

  • log_email_hdrs * This option enables SMTP preprocessor to parse and log the SMTP email headers extracted from SMTP data along with all generated events for that session. The number of bytes extracted and logged depends upon the email_hdrs_log_depth.

Please note, this is logged only with the unified2 output and is not logged with the console output (-A cmg). u2spewfoo can be used to read this data from the unified2.

  • email_hdrs_log_depth * This option specifies the depth for logging email headers. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 20480. A value of 0 will disable email headers logging. The default value for this option is 1464.

Please note, in case of multiple configs, this default config’s value is used. The values specified in the non-default config will be ignored and overwritten by the default config’s values. This option must be configured in the default config even if the SMTP configuration is disabled.

  • memcap * This option determines in bytes the maximum amount of memory the SMTP preprocessor will use for logging of filename, MAIL FROM addresses, RCPT TO addresses and email headers. This value along with the buffer size used to log MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, filenames and email_hdrs_log_depth will determine the maximum SMTP sessions that will log the email headers at any given time. When this memcap is reached SMTP will stop logging the filename, MAIL FROM address, RCPT TO addresses and email headers until memory becomes available.

Max SMTP sessions logging email headers at any given time = memcap/(1024 + 1024 + 1024 + email_hdrs_log_depth)

The size 1024 is the maximum buffer size used for logging filename, RCPTTO and MAIL FROM addresses.

Default value for this option is 838860. The allowed range for this option is 3276 to 104857600. The value specified in the default config is used when this option is specified in multiple configs. This option must be configured in the default config even if the SMTP configuration is disabled.

Example: preprocessor SMTP: \ ports { 25 } \ inspection_type stateful \ normalize cmds \ normalize_cmds { EXPN VRFY RCPT } \ ignore_data \ ignore_tls_data \ max_command_line_len 512 \ max_header_line_len 1024 \ max_response_line_len 512 \ no_alerts \ alt_max_command_line_len 300 { RCPT } \ invalid_cmds { } \ valid_cmds { } \ xlink2state { disable } \ print_cmds \ log_filename \ log_email_hdrs \ log_mailfrom \ log_rcptto \ email_hdrs_log_depth 2920 \ memcap 6000

preprocessor SMTP: \ max_mime_depth 100 \ max_mime_mem 4000 \ memcap 6000 \ email_hdrs_log_depth 2920 \ disabled

Default: preprocessor SMTP: \ ports { 25 } \ inspection_type stateful \ normalize cmds \ normalize_cmds { EXPN VRFY RCPT } \ alt_max_command_line_len 260 { MAIL } \ alt_max_command_line_len 300 { RCPT } \ alt_max_command_line_len 500 { HELP HELO ETRN } \ alt_max_command_line_len 255 { EXPN VRFY }

Notes: “RCPT TO:” and “MAIL FROM:” are SMTP commands. For the preprocessor configuration, they are referred to as RCPT and MAIL, respectively. Within the code, the preprocessor actually maps RCPT and MAIL to the correct command name.