MALWARE-CNC -- Snort has detected a Comand and Control (CNC) rule violation, most likely for commands and calls for files or other stages from the control server. The alert indicates a host has been infiltrated by an attacker, who is using the host to make calls for files, as a call-home vector for other malware-infected networks, for shuttling traffic back to bot owners, etc.
MALWARE-CNC Doc.Trojan.Agent variant outbound cnc connection attempt
This rule will alert on requests by a Doc.Trojan.Agent variant to fetch an additional malicious Windows executable payload. This particular document has been seen fetching NetSupport Manager and using it for malicious purposes.
This rule fires when a Doc.Trojan.Agent variant is detected on the network making an outbound connection.
No public information
No known false positives
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
No rule groups
No information provided
Tactic: Execution
Technique: Exploitation for Client Execution
For reference, see the MITRE ATT&CK vulnerability types here: